Shari Kahn

Shari's portrait

Pleased to meet you.

I'm an American native English-speaker living in Israel. Education was my first career; web development is my new love. I utilize my prior skills from teaching: characterizing and motivating a target audience, crafting memorable presentations, and problem-solving. Now I have added modern web-development languages and techniques to that skill set. My goal is to work within a team of dedicated professionals to create websites that are educational and engaging for modern learners.

I love being in nature and working with natural materials: spinning yarns from fibers and experimenting with plants and seeds to create my own dyes. Writing code is similar: we weave the strands of purpose, words and design elements to create a finished product that combines strength, utility, and beauty -- in fiber and in code.

A new direction

I enjoy the detail, precision, and creativity of coding. It is so satisfying to take a website idea and make it all work -- and look fabulous! I know that ease of collaboration, trouble-shooting, and updating is important to clients, and I approach every project with this foundation of correct, concise, and elegant code in mind. Client services include everything from coding web pages from design comps to the "full stack" of building functionality into your website on the client and server sides.

I look forward to being part of a cohesive team. Collaboration with other dedicated professionals was always part of my professional life; it is exhilarating because every perspective is slightly different and the give-and-take offers new skills and techniques to enhance our product. I learn from everyone and grow every day, because to me that is the essence of life.


Project: Your Best Teacher

Project listing: March, 2021

Client: Thinkful

teen at computer

Description of project:

This is an app I will design to help students organize on-line resources and create a personalized self-study schedule, with built-in progress and time tracking for accountability. It is appropriate for learners from Jr. High to adult. I will use HTML5 and CSS3 for the design, JavaScript and React for the functionality.

View it: Placeholder Link

Project files are available here: Placeholder Link

Project: Accelerate Marketing

Project listing: November 2020

Client: Skillcrush

screenshot of accelerate webpage

Description of project:

This is a Wordpress site designed as a learning project, ostensibly for a business marketing firm. The purpose was to showcase services and successful client projects and to encourage communication with potential clients. I learned to install an existing client website, create child themes and custom queries, custom post-types and custom fields, custom page templates, and to work on a continuous workflow and deployment cycle. Languages used included PHP, CSS3, and HTML5.

View it: Accelerate

Project files are available here: accelerate

Project: Local Library Website

Project listing: January 2021

Client: Thinkful

photo of ornate library

Description of project:

The "client" for this project was a public library. It required a website where members could get information about their accounts, library book inventory, and authors. The HTML and CSS codes were provided, as was the data. I learned to write advanced Javascript functions that would find specific data values, manipulate the data and return it in specified formats. An example would be sorting the records to find and return the five most popular book titles.

View it: Placeholder Link

Project files are available here: library

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